Our small business approach has some flexibility depending on our clients needs, skills, and budget.
The cost / fit / billing pages summarizes a bit on how we work and pricing structure. A lot depends on the size of the business, complexity, and growing needs. At a minimum we are looking to establish some supportive accounting, run a projection, look for planning opportunities, answer all questions, provide some tax advisory, file your tax return, and be available throughout the year. All of this is billed on an hourly basis but we do try and set some initial target billing, budget, and deliverable timeline.
Our average sized solo business clients have an annual billing in the $1,750 to $3,500 range with some outliers less or more. To really get every spoken and unspoken need addressed I prefer to have a higher budget and be more full service as this generally has the best overall result (happy clients, planning opportunities, questions answered, no big tax due surprises etc). But there is some flexibility on aiming for the lower side of things if we are extremely efficient.
Prior to our prospective client call:
– Time permitting, additional set of questions to answer prior to our call- As applicable G.CPA (us) can provide relevant links and background prior to connecting so we can make the most out of our time
During our call and after:
– During the call we are asking and answering your questions and learning more so that we can define some general scope, to-dos, timeframes, and budget
– If all sounds great we can get you in the on-boarding queue or email us back later letting us know you want to move forward
– Onboarding consists of shared folder setup, obtaining info, forms, sign engagement, pay a $300 individual or $500 business retainer that we bill against
– From there we are working towards are first deliverable, typically a projection
Accounting status and possible QuickBooks Online support
Projection and documentation
Year-end projection and documentation as needed
Accounting and needs ongoing
Extension projection, recommended payments, or return completion
Available all year to answer questions